Tuesday 31 May 2011

Hats in the Market

We went to our local town today, my husband had a dentist appointment - Ugh.

While he suffered, I took quite a few blips of the market and then had difficulty deciding which one to include today; I finally settled on the hats.

Monday 30 May 2011

Ladybird on Fennel Stalks

It is a dull, windy day here in England for this May Bank Holiday Monday and I have not been outside much today, However, on a quick trip round the garden. before it rained, I discovered this ladybird on my fennel plant in the herb garden.

This ladybird was seen in the garden and taken using a close-up filter on a 50mm lens. I had hoped to get a good blip of the ladybird's spots, but the wind was strong, causing the fennel stalks to sway; the ladybird also kept scurrying around. This was the first time I had used a filter of this sort, but I will be experimenting again in the future.

Sunday 29 May 2011

Cup Cakes or Fairy Cakes

I used to make these when my children were small and they were called Fairy Cakes; I am now making them for my grandchildren and they are called Cup Cakes.

It is years since I made this kind of cake, but I have now bought a Cup Cake stand so I must make them again. I hope that for my next effort I will be better at icing and decorating them; I did not have much in the cupboard to use as Cup Cake decorations.

These were made quite small for a birthday tea. They are gluten free, two coeliacs to cater for, but I know they will taste as good as 'normal' ones. Two were eaten while they were still warm and before they were iced, by my husband who swears he does not like this kind of cake!!

Saturday 28 May 2011

French Marigolds

I like the colour of these orange and yellow French Marigolds. They are growing in a hanging basket with tomato plants; one small tomato flower can just be seen, bottom left. Planting flowers, such as these helps with pollination so we should get a bumper crop of tomatoes. The bright colours also help to brighten up a very dull, cold and windy day here.

Friday 27 May 2011

Solar Light in Black and White

Such a busy day shopping for new clothes with my daughter for her new job; so not much time for blipping. She managed to get some smart suits and blouses as well as nice shoes.

I took this blip of one of the solar lights in my garden as it was getting dark and I thought it would look even better in black and white.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Golden Rose with Raindrops

It has been raining on and off here all day with a brief thunderstorm this afternoon. I dashed out between showers to take my daily blip and could not resit this golden rose and raindrops.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Dougal in the Grass

This is Dougal our four-year-old tabby cat. He is very spoilt and likes to spend a lot of the day and night in the house with his humans.

He shares his home with his humans, me and my husband, as well as his sister, Florence, who is disabled, being born with only one eye; she is a tabby and white cat. Living here too is Splodge, a tortoiseshell and white cat; our fifteen-year-old lady.

No doubt the others will make an appearance in here very soon.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Clematis - Evison Poulsen

This is a purple clematis, called Evison Poulsen. This is my first entry on Blipfoto.com but will certainly not be my last.