Monday 3 March 2014

The Ocado Lorry

The Ocado lorry delivered the groceries this morning including extra fruit and vegetables, no excuse now for lapsing with my healthy, low calorie and weight reducing regime. Although the weather was quite good during the morning I decided to do some housework rather than continue with the gardening. My back appears to have recovered a little from the exercise I did with my grandchildren during half-term and rather than do too much and trap the nerve again I decided to stay indoors. This afternoon it is dark, dull, raining and cold.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Today, although it was cold and windy I did two hours of gardening. This was mainly sorting out tubs and window boxes with Primroses, Primula and Polyanthus flowers. After I had hung up the handing baskets, my husband wired them on for me. In the past hanging baskets have disappeared. I do not think this was the grammar school children playing football with them as they waited for their train; they disappeared, no trace was found of the baskets or any plants.



Saturday 1 March 2014

Today is the day that I have chosen to restart my lapsed weight loss journey which has plateaued, but I have not gained the weight I once lost; this is good, so lots of healthy eating from now on, lots of fruit and vegetables with some healthy exercise when possible. This will be walking due to back and hip problems, but walking is also good. The recommended exercise for older adults can be found at this NHS site.

I decided, probably because they are usually high in calories that I wanted a curry and so I have chosen to make the WeightWatchers Vegetable curry, this is filling and healthy according to the website.